Site survey

Archaeological Project Services carried out a magnetometer survey of the site during November and January and they were helped by our volunteers under the supervision of a qualified geophysicist. The University of Leicester previously carried out a small geophysical survey in 2005.

The magnetic survey was carried out using a dual sensor Grad601-2 Magnetic Gradiometer manufactured by Bartington Instruments Ltd, which records subtle changes in the magnetic field resulting from differing features in the soil. Readings were taken at 0.25m intervals along traverses 1m apart with 3600 sampling points taken in a full 30m x 30m grid. Readings were logged consecutively into a data logger and downloaded either into a portable computer whilst on site or directly to the office computer.

The survey revealed a possible small rectilinear feature that might be an enclosure or building. The feature is not visible on the previous (2005) resistivity survey of the same area. Apart from this small enclosure, the majority of recognisable features appear to be related to the Victorian sewage works.








A full copy of the survey can be found HERE



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